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The day started out later than expected because gas stations in BC are only allowed to be open from 7:00 am until 10:00 pm unless there is a second attendant on duty.  Needless to say, we had to wait over a half hour for the station to open as needed to gas up before heading out.  The day started out cloudy, the rain, then late morning the sun made an appearance along with a wicked crosswind – much stronger than any we have encountered thus far.  Both cars ran well for the most part, although we fought icing on the carburetors and intake manifold.


Once in town, Brian's car refused to start (dead battery?). Lee took his to a local garage and an older gentleman with a "we can figure something out" attitude fashioned a duct to draw some warm air from the exhaust manifold into the carburetor.  Tomorrow will be the true test if it worked!

Muncho Lake, BC to Watson Lake, YK

Distance traveled:  158.7 miles

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